My love for Cambodia has started during a solo trip for my 35th birthday. That travel signed a turning point in my life. It was 2016 November 11th when I landed. Two years later I would have just lost my both parents to cancer and dispart, four months apart, and my sense of belonging would have been reset to zero. A human being needs a sense of belonging to function...a sense of purpose...a direction. With the capacity building work I carried out since then in the region and through the fantastic people I met during my few journeys across the land of the Khmer, I found another kind of belonging. Care leads to understanding. Understanding leads to care. I do feel a deep respect towards this ancient culture made of beautiful traditions and majestic ruins reconquered by a voluptuous nature. Its beautiful and humble people are resourceful and extremely modest. From the main capital of Phnom Pehn, always busy but never too the island of Koh Ach Seh in Kep Archipelago, where local NGOs fight supported by the Government for the conservation and restoration of the Cambodian marine the quietest village of the province of Mundulkiri where a young Bunong tourist guide hosts you in their family every place I have been a welcoming atmosphere characterises the Cambodian streets...the smell of delicious food, the honk of the passing Tuc-tuc, the chirping and cracking of the wild birds right after the pouring rain has finished...the daily life is interspersed with the laughter of children running in the streets, accompanied by barking dogs or candy vendors on their movable bike-shops.... I love Cambodia. May it be prosperous. May it be in peace.